CTET Official Answer Key 2024:- The Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) is one of the most important examinations for aspiring teachers in India, and the December 2024 exam has garnered a lot of attention. The answer key for CTET December 2024 was released on January 1, 2025, by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

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However, for candidates who believe there are discrepancies in the answer key, today, January 5, 2025, is the last day to file objections.
CTET Official Answer Key 2024
If you’re a candidate who appeared for the CTET exam and are dissatisfied with any of the answers provided in the provisional answer key, this is your final opportunity to raise an objection.
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Let’s break down everything you need to know about this process.
CTET Official Answer Key 2024 PDF download?
To download the CTET Official Answer Key 2024 PDF, you need to follow these steps:
- Visit the Official CTET Website: Go to the official website of CTET, which is ctet.nic.in.
- Navigate to the Answer Key Section: On the homepage, look for the section titled “CTET Dec-2024 Answer Key” or similar. You may also find a direct link under the “Latest News” section.
- Click on the Answer Key Link: Once you click on the link, it will take you to the page where the answer key is available for download. You can check the provisional answer key as well as the option to challenge the key.
- Download the Answer Key PDF: There should be a link to download the PDF of the answer key. Click on it, and the document will either open in your browser or be saved directly to your device.
- Login (if required): In some cases, you may need to log in with your Roll Number and Date of Birth to access the answer key and download it.
- Make sure to verify your personal information and exam details before downloading the answer key. If you need to challenge any of the answers, be sure to follow the instructions on the website.
- Note: The objection window is available only until January 5, 2025, so make sure to download and review the answer key before the deadline.
How to File an Objection?
The objection window allows candidates to challenge the answers they believe are incorrect. Candidates who want to file objections must visit the official CTET website (ctet.nic.in). Once there, you can follow these simple steps to raise an objection:
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- Visit the Official Website: Go to ctet.nic.in, the official website for the CTET examination.
- Navigate to the Objection Section: On the homepage, you’ll find a link titled “CTET Dec-2024 Key Challenge/ Scanned Images of OMR.” Click on this link.
- Login with Credentials: To access the answer key and file objections, you will need to log in with your Roll Number and Date of Birth.
- Review the Answer Key: Once logged in, the answer key will be displayed on your screen. Compare the answers with what you believe to be correct.
- Raise Your Objection: If you find an answer that seems incorrect, click on the relevant question and submit your objection. You’ll need to provide sufficient details to back your challenge.
- Pay the Objection Fee: For each question you challenge, you must pay a non-refundable fee of ₹1000. This payment can be made online via debit card, credit card, or other accepted payment methods.
- It’s crucial to note that the objection window closes today, January 5, 2025. After this, no further challenges will be entertained, so it’s important to act quickly.
What Happens After You Raise an Objection?
Once you’ve filed your objections, the CBSE will review them. A team of experts will assess the challenges raised by candidates and determine if any changes need to be made to the provisional answer key. If your objection is found to be valid, the answer key will be corrected, and you will be awarded the appropriate marks for that question.
The final answer key will be published after resolving all objections. Based on this final answer key, the CTET December 2024 result will be declared. It is important to remember that the final result will be determined solely by the final answer key, so any successful objections will impact your scores.
Why Should You Challenge the Answer Key?
The answer key plays a pivotal role in determining a candidate’s performance in the CTET exam. For those aiming to become teachers, it’s essential that the evaluation process is accurate. If you feel that a particular answer in the provisional key is incorrect, challenging it could make a difference in your overall score. However, you should ensure that your objections are well-founded and supported by valid reasoning or references, as the fee is non-refundable.
The CTET December 2024 exam was held on December 14, 2024, in over 20 languages across the country. It is an essential examination for anyone seeking to become a teacher in central government schools. With the provisional answer key released and the objection window closing today, candidates must act fast to ensure their concerns are heard.
After today, no further objections will be allowed, so review the answer key thoroughly and raise any legitimate objections before the deadline. This is your final opportunity to ensure that your performance is accurately reflected in the final result.